
Based on 611 reviews
Boss horn

Works great well built great product

Makita Train Horn - Dual Drill Horn

DeWalt Boss Horn rocks!!

I received DeWalt 20v Quad train horn yesterday and it is all that I expected. The horn was packaged well, easy to assemble, and loud!! I look forward to all of the shenanigans I can get into with this Boss Horn!

Milwaukee Train Horn M18
Kasper Lars Carl Kempe

Milwaukee Train Horn M18

Ridgid Train Horn Gun: Quad Impact Air Horn


I loved it like music to my ears definitely gonna be fun to use in my son’s next football tournament

DeWalt Train Horn 20v - Air Horn Gun

Win for ME

I bought this for my husband for his birthday. He loves it!!!


Neighbors are going to like this

DeWalt Air Horn Gun with 5 Trumpets and Remote

Quick question if one of the horns was to break.How much would it be to replace it

Love the sound. Of it


Awesome, best Karen horn ever :)

Bills Mafia boss horn

Great for tailgating, you get attention real fast, when you blow that horn

Very impressed about everything with this purchase!

I was impressed with everything. Ordering was easy, tracking was perfect, horn is packed very well and most of all this Dewalt extreme horn is nice and loud! I am really impressed with everything! It will get everybody’s attention quick. Well done Boss Horn Team! Worth buying 100%.

Dewalt horn

It works great

Milwaukee Train Horn M18
Matthew Matthews
Very cool tool/toy

I am happy with how this turned out. I'm impressed with the craftsmanship of the gun. Great job to whoever came up with this.

So loud!

Loved it!

Unimaginable loudness on steroids

This is one of the best purchases I've ever made. When you trigger this, it sounds like a Union Pacific RR Train is blowing its way through the landscape. LOVE IT...

Milwaukee 18 4 horn

Loud as hell!!!

Milwaukee Train Horn M18
Everett Johnson


Very loud;i think your horns are better than Hadly horns here in Arizona people get angry when you blast ahorq


Just what I ordered


Awesome gadget!

I'm in road construction and often work with live traffic situations. The Boss Horn really got those 'speeders' attention when they sped through our work zone. VERY EFFECTIVE. The Boss Horn brings smiles to my crew mates every time. Love this product.

Awesome horn

Great Dewalt quality. My only minor complaint is that it took a long time to get to me. Spoiled by Prime I think.